jagdabzeichen homage to johann elias ridinger
Jagdabzeichen Ridinger Sau oxidiert

Jagdabzeichen: paying homage to Ridinger

Regular price €100,00 Sale

Paying homage to Ridinger by creating a hunting badge in his honour.

This silver hunting insignia was inspired by an etching of a wild boar made by Johann Elias Ridinger (1698-1767). This insignia features a wild boar in flight held within boar tusks and rounded off with an oak leaf.

johann elias ridinger die wildsau wild boar in flight

I make this...


...in my workshop in Vienna from sterling silver and it can now be ordered made from sterling silver and oxidized to give it a vintage appearance.

johann elias ridinger etching jagdabzeichen

This hunting badge is fully customizable to suit your needs. Prices will vary according to complexity. Please get in touch before ordering if you wish to customize. Also note that these sterling silver badges will oxidize differently so the patina may differ slightly.

Ridinger kaufen Jagdabzeichen

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Abzeichen für den Jagdhut

Ridinger Sau Jagdabzeichen
