jagdabzeichen wildente nutria ente jagdjuwelier halali wmh

Hunt insignia Jagdabzeichen: wild duck with nutria

This badge features a wild duck in flight with a nutria watching from a distance. Please note: this hunting badge is NOT available for general sale and was made to order for a customer.

These badges are often referred to as Jagdabzeichen on the European continent and are traditionally worn by hunters on their cap. Hunting insignia - unique hunting badges and hat pins - made by Sophie Salm. Hunting is an essential part of our cultural heritage.

Hunt insignia - unique hunting badges and hat pins - made by Sophie Salm in her Vienna workshop.

In German: Handwerkskunst trifft auf Jagdabzeichen – Jagdjuwelier aus Wien. Gelebtes Brauchtum Jagd ist ein wesentlicher Teil unseres Kulturgutes. WMH Blog: alles rund um Jagdabzeichen

Jagdabzeichen Entenjagd

 Read my other alpine hunting blogs here:



Or feel free to purchase a Jagdabzeichen by following the link below:



(more to come!)

For the visually impaired this page contains references to

Hutabzeichen Jagd


Hutnadel Jagd

Hutabzeichen Jäger

Jagdabzeichen Hut 

Abzeichen für den Jagdhut