Orlandi di Pisa Jagdabzeichen

Orlandi di Pisa

 A tuscan family whose origins stretch back into the depth of time.


Amongst the tuskan families that were given special priviliges by Henry IV. of the Salian dynasty in the 12th century were the Orlandi (di Pisa).

Henry IV (1050 – 1106) was Holy Roman Emperor from 1084 to 1105, King of Germany from 1054 to 1105, King of Italy and Burgundy from 1056 to 1105. He was the son of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor—the second monarch of the Salian dynasty.

Orlandi di Pisa Salier Henry 4th Holy Roman emperor

Orlandi cadet lines

The Orlandis were a family of the Tuscan nobility, protagonists of Tuscan economic and political events until the 16th century. In addition to the main line of Pisa , which died out in the same city in 1519 , there are also cadet branches  such as Orlandi della Sassetta, the Orlandi di Pescia and the Orlandis de Mallorca.

Orlandi coat of arms

Orlandi family creast and jagdabzeichen

The Orlandis of Mallorca: regarded as the last cadet branch of the main Pisan line, it was established  on the island of Mallorca in the 15th century, by Benedetto Orlandi who had fled Pisa.

In the year 1488 Benedetto (= Benito) Orlandis arrived in Mallorca from Pisa. He brought with him a safe conduct letter signed by Don Fernando II, King of Aragon and Sicily, allowing him to take residency in Mallorca.

This Mallorcan branch is still in existence today.

In 2022 members of the Orlandis and Orlandi family endowed a Jagdabzeichen to commemorate a reunion between the two families in the tuscan countryside.

insigni blasoni orlandi jagdabzeichen


It was a pleasure to be able to commemorate this wonderful family reunion with a Jagdabzeichen that was presented to family members as a sign of friendship and kinship.

The tuscan wild boar known as cinghiale is famous for being tuscany's national dish as it likes to feed the wine grapes grown in vineries. The wild boars of Tuscany's forests are often found in central Italian cuisine, and are a local emblem as well as a well known delicacy. 


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