Do you want to read this article Unser Lieblingshase ist wieder da in German?
Happy good hare day !
Wishing you and your families a peaceful and restful Easter Sunday! I will return to the workshop next week and look forward to making new hunting badges.
Read my Jagdabzeichen Article in Halali Magazine
In the meantime, check out Halali Magazine for an article written about my workshop in 2019.
See you soon! Here you can find more about hunting badges for hunters: Handmade hunting badges made of gold, 925 silver, brass or pewter with unbeatable tradition.
Read my other hunting blog here:

Or feel free to purchase a Jagdabzeichen by following the link below:

For the visually impaired this page contains references to
Hutabzeichen Jäger
Abzeichen für den Jagdhut